Whenever an even mildly right-wing person has a serious chance of ascending to an elevated political position, the left goes into full apocalypse mode.
When it became clear that Donald Trump was going to be the 45th President of the United States, leftists were convinced that the end of the world as we knew it was upon us. Even today, people like Michael Moore like to say silly things like Trump is going to be the last President of the United States. Of course, they said the same things about George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, and everyone else to the right of Nancy Pelosi.
Now, the target is Brett Kavanaugh — whose confirmation process has been stalled as Democratic senators zero in on baseless allegations of sexual assault. Absolutely no one has corroborated any of the allegations, and at this point there is a serious possibility that accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford perjured herself during her Senate testimony.
This isn’t the first time the Democrats have tried to do this. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received almost the exact same treatment during his confirmation hearing. Seeing as he now sits on the bench, we all know how this ended.
History really does have a strange way of repeating itself.
~ Facts Not Memes