To be sure, we really hope it will never come to this. While it’s true that political discourse in America hasn’t been as tense as it is today since the chaotic 1960s, we all hope some sort of civility and a sense of unity can return to the forefront.
But, in the very hypothetical chance it won’t, it’s very clear which side will end up on top — and it sure isn’t the left.
We’ve found many examples like the those in the image here before, but it’s always fun when more forward-thinking weirdos actually make the conscious decision to show themselves in public. It’s refreshing, actually, because it lets us know that we truly have nothing to be afraid of.
Conservatives have absolutely nothing to fear from radicals who not only hate guns, but seem to despise the very concept of masculinity to begin with. For their sake, let’s hope Antifa sticks to wearing stupid masks and chanting dumb slogans.
~ Facts Not Memes