Imagine a movie being made in 2020 in which five different kids from different backgrounds ended up stuck in all-day detention on a Saturday in the school library.
Hollywood definitely wouldn’t make a movie like “The Breakfast Club” today, yet somehow it ended up being one of the greatest films produced in the 1980s.
This meme recreates one of the scenes from the film. Bender, played by Judd Nelson, argues with Vice Principle Vernon – and Vernon keeps adding more detention to Bender’s punishment. The meme brings back memories of a great film for those of us old enough to remember it, but it’s also pretty on-the-nose.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has just announced that he plans to keep New York City locked down because of COVID-19 for another four months. Average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in New York City: $2,714.
Oof! Enjoy those $1,200 stimulus checks, New Yorkers.
Anyway, if you’re still locked up indoors in your area, fire up “The Breakfast Club” on the internets. You can see what high school was actually like for all of us Generation X types. It will also make you wonder, “Whatever happened to Molly Ringwald?”