Political discourse in the United States is at its most volatile point since the late 1960s. While there haven’t been any incidents quite as bad as students being gunned down for protesting the war in Vietnam, there are certain areas where the political divide between left and right has grown far worse.
To demonstrate our point, do a quick Google search of the peace movements of the 1960s. Sure, there were some radical wings that would be considered just as egregious now as they were then. But one thing you’ll notice is that even the left-wing hippies at the time seemed fond of flying American flags, effectively evoking a patriotic message the right can appreciate today even if it finds it disagreeable.
The modern left has completely rejected displays of patriotism of any kind. Even uttering the phrase “America First” is tandem to supporting fascism, at least according to the likes of antifa and those who are sympathetic to them.
On the other side, leftists have resorted to using pretty insane imagery to signal their support for their ideals. The “pussy hat” is just one example, and another reason why we can’t wait for 2020 to roll around. What will they think of next?
~ Facts Not Memes