Watch out men – overweight, blue-haired feminists who hate everything about you are refraining from sex. Take as much time as you need to dry your tears…
In reaction to Georgia’s recently passed heartbeat bill that protects unborn children from being slaughtered inside their mothers’ wombs, washed up Hollywood celebrity Alyssa Milano is calling on all like-minded women to refrain from having sex with “cis-gendered” men until the law is repealed.
Let’s talk about how weird that is for a second: the sex strike, in Milano’s own words, calls for women to only refrain form having sex with biological men who identify as such. This seems pretty easy to get around: all straight men would theoretically need to do is temporarily identify as women (this is a thing: it’s called “gender fluid”) to get around this. But there’s a bigger irony here: leftist women have accidentally re-discovered sexual restraint and morality. If that’s the case, count us as huge supporters of the sex strike.
In all seriousness, though, men: if your girlfriend is actually doing this, it’s probably time to find a better girlfriend. Seems like everyone wins.
~ Facts Not Memes