It’s a phrase you’ve heard time and time again: the science is “settled,” and there is only one way to stop the climate crisis that will drown the world in blood in just over a decade.
We’re not even exaggerating that much: New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really does believe that the world is going to end in about 12 years — or at least that’s when the effects of climate change are supposed to become irreversible. The solution? Pay more taxes and stop eating meat — because that will change the weather and appease the sky gods.
The truth is that many of the people who call themselves climate scientists rely on government funding to finance their pet projects. Some of these can make the case for being legitimate — it’s helpful to know if we should expect an increase in storm activity, or tectonic plate movements, or something like that. We’re not entirely dismissing the case there…
We are suggesting that, if you’re saying you’ve proved everything you need to prove, maybe you shouldn’t be paying your rent with taxpayer money anymore…