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A Question for Communists: Where Did All of Your Food Go?

Communism and its lightweight counterpart socialism have the stated goal to make everyone in a society “equal”, and they succeed — although they tend to just make everyone equally poor.

Mass starvation is one of the hallmarks of a socialist state, as examples can be found in every country with a truly socialist government. No, we’re not talking about Denmark or Norway — countries that fully denounce the socialist label despite having generous social programs. We’re talking about country’s that have implemented Karl Marx’s ideas in the most faithful way they could.

In the Soviet Union, millions of Ukrainians starved to death under the Holodomor. In North Korea, civilians have been so malnourished that the average height has actually steadily decreased over the years. In Castro’s Cuba, food production is a recurring challenge despite the country’s historic material wealth.

If anything should be abundantly clear by now, it’s that socialism and communism are woefully inefficient in feeding a population.

~ Facts Not Memes

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