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Top Republican Slams Biden For “Warfare” Against Americans

Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) told Breitbart News that Republicans must stop the “economic warfare” against working- and middle-class Americans by “hammering” illegal immigration.

In an interview with Breitbart News on SiriusXM Patriot, Vance urged Republicans to address illegal immigration as a component of “the cheap labor lobby,” which aims to saturate the US labor market in order to bring down wages as well as employ a lower class of less expensive foreign workers with little to no power to bargain.

“Republicans keep pounding this issue.” When asked about the rise in illegal immigration that has taken place under Biden’s watch, Vance stated, “We cannot overlook the cheap labor lobby which is precisely why we have this issue.”

Vance said that illegal immigration had a significant influence on property prices, as well as lowering salaries and raising competition from foreign workers versus Americans in the job market. This is because increased demand results in higher expenses and greater profits for real estate investors and landlords.

“Think about how having 10 million additional individuals who should not be here competing for employment would affect the earnings of working Americans,” Vance said. “If you have to accommodate 10 million individuals who should not be here, the cost of housing will increase at a time when mortgage interest rates are already quite high.”

“The main issue here is that the American people are being robbed of their right to the American dream, and for that reason, we must continue to fight.”

In an interview on the Charlie Kirk Show with Breitbart News Chief Editor Alex Marlow, Vance echoed that view and explained how Americans seeking to purchase a first-time home or move into something new are at a disadvantage because they must compete for housing with an expanding foreign population.

“You may see the consequences of Ohio being a border state,” according to Vance, “if you’ve visited a hospital or emergency room and noticed very high wait times since many illegal immigrants are receiving medical attention.”

He continued, “If you’re somebody who’s tried to purchase a home and have witnessed the impacts of exploding housing costs as well as interest rates, you are witnessing the consequences of Ohio as a border state because whenever you attract ten million individuals illegally, you’ve got to accommodate them someplace, and houses that need to go to American citizens at the present time are going to go to unauthorized immigrants who shouldn’t be here in the first place.”

President Biden along with his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, according to Vance, are “no longer even hiding” their planned outcome any more. Vance cited statements made by Mayorkas last week in which he seemed to confess that illegal immigration is good for business.

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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10 thoughts on “Top Republican Slams Biden For “Warfare” Against Americans”

  1. Ok JD! Why don’t you do something about it. Have you drafted any legislation or filed any lawsuits to address this? I am afraid that’s the answers is no. Photo ops and sound bites don’t cut it. In true DC style, everyone talks a good game but does nothing. Always waiting for the other guy. Please get to work on behalf of your constituents. We all know that Sherrod will do nothing. He optimizes the swamp. You were elected because you told us you were different. Be different and actually work, everyday like everyone else , to support the people of Ohio. This is not that difficult to address. You could start by demanding that this administration enforce the laws that have already been passed. JD, you talk a real good game while campaigning, please get out of campaigning mode and govern.

  2. Hopefully Americans that supports Joe Biden will wake up and see that he doesn’t care about the working class Americans. The only people he worries about are the immigrants that he wants to vote for him. Just him going into the black college telling last week telling them that white supremacy is the threat to America. The real threat to America is Hispanic Gang members and Cartels that he is letting cross the border with no questions asked. Lastly the next threat to America is BLM/ANTIFA that burned down cities across the US and assaulted and killed innocent people including Law Enforcement Officers!! People you better wake up!!

    1. KLANTIFA, BKLM, KLAN ALL GET A FREE PASS……..PROUD BOYS GET PRISON. It’s good to be a plantation overseer!!

  3. remove all of these commie democrat lying pedophiles for violating the laws they have taken an oath to uphold and protect.

  4. Look, I don’t know why people are having a hard time seeing biden for what he is. The Democratic Party has been trying to take control of the country for years now. Biden is who they have chosen to do this. I don’t know why the people who are democrats can not see this. He is nothing more than a traitor to this country. He has been making money from countries that hate us and has given away more than we may ever know.
    You older people should be able to see this
    You have watched him over the years. How mad did he get when he didnt get his own way. We need him out of office now he needs to be impeached. He has already ruined this country. Why the Illegal Immigrants. He is planning on them voting for the Democratic Party that is why? But we can not afford to have our country paying for these people. Welfare, health care, not only will SS go broke the entire economy system will collapse. Wake up its also why they want to control guns. They don’t want us to be able to overthrow them as we should have already done. They want complete control over us.

  5. The Democrats/Left are doing everything possible to destroy the once great country we once had. Instead of being a world power, the US is now the laughing stock of the world. Our current government officials are the best money can buy. The written law is now nothing more than a wish list mailed to Santa Clause by a 3 year old, and the Constitution means nothing to our elected “leaders”. If the United States continues on its current path, there will be no country to fight for. Politicians in the White House are begging for a second civil war, and it will be a war that We the People will win!

  6. Thanks to all reply’s above me they are all positive feedback, but you forgot to mention one thing about the stupid dem who turn a blind eye to the truth, To a dem truth is nothing but a lie, and a lie is truth why because that’s all a dem understands. All dems are nothing but sheep being led by another sheep with a bell around it’s neck (biden) to the slotter house. One morning everyone will wake-up and smell the truth but it will be far too late to do anything but have a civil war again. With whom the only ones who with a stupid ideology who let this happen and that includes all BAA who vote the dem way you are nothing to them except slaves who do their biding. They were the slave owners of the south and the KKK. They are nothing but bad government who want to turn everyone into slaves both black and white. An if all you dems who think this ideology will be good for you NO You Idiots you will end up in the same boat. An if you think I’ll throw you a life preserver. You better think again and if you think you can hang on my boat I’ll chop your hands arm’s an anything else off to keep my boat afloat. Since I’m a black conservative who has seen the light and turned from a dem liberal. The dems are nothing but full of hatred racism who even wants to kick the black judge off the supreme court just because he’s another conservative. So to tie this all in a nutshell EVERYONE BETTER WAKE_UP AND SMELL THE BS THAT COMES FROM A DEM BACK SIDEOR MEDIA .

  7. this is gonna come across as cruel, but unvetted invaders currently do not deserve any kind of medical care in this country. they entered the country unlawfully and are stealing resources from legal citizens. all invaders need to be deported ASAP back to the country of origin. there are american vets being displaced from housing and needed services because of these invaders and this displacement needs to be stopped. if you are not a legal citizen you do not deserve and benefits or special treatment. the liar in chief needs tobe removed from office by any way available for not securing the borderand allowing the invaders in period.

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