Never Trump Republicans are spending about $50 million on advertisements that feature Republicans stating they can no longer support the presumed nominee because they still find it hard to comprehend that former President Donald Trump would represent the party in the general election.
Even though Trump was clearly the front-runner in the entire Republican Primary, winning state after state, his position as the presumed nominee was cemented after Super Tuesday when former governor Nikki Haley (R-SC) decided to withdraw from the contest, most likely because she saw no other viable option. Although acknowledging that “in all probability, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee when our party convention gathers in July,” she did not openly support Trump, in contrast to several of her other competitors, like Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).
I give him my congratulations and best wishes. She did not offer her support for him, saying instead that it is “up to Donald Trump to win the votes of those in our party and outside it who did not support him.” Nevertheless, she stated, “I wish anyone who would be America’s president well.”
But other Republicans are clearly not persuaded, and they are not only against him personally but are also starting a national push to get other Republicans to reject the former president. Under the direction of Never Trump supporter Sarah Longwell, the organization Republican Voters Against Trump is investing $50 million in television commercials that showcase former Trump supporters describing in a sequence of films why they will not be voting for Trump this election.
The Hill reports that “the advertisements showcasing the testimonies of the former Trump voters will be deployed on TV, streaming platforms, billboards, radio, and digital media” and that they will be broadcast in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—important swing states.
Numerous videos on their website show former Trump supporters giving their reasons for leaving the party.
These are former supporters of Donald Trump. In the past, they had backed him and his policies. They will not, however, back him for president once more. On the website, it says, “Watch them explain in their own words why they’re voting against their party to guarantee that Trump never takes power again.” Many of the people who responded offered traditional leftist criticism, citing January 6 and charging Trump with wanting to be an “authoritarian.”
In an interview with the New York Times, Longwell appeared to be dismissive of the larger picture and the possible effect this would have on Republicans defeating Biden and his agenda come November. He said that they are “not building a pro-Joe Biden alliance.”
You’re forming a coalition against Trump, she said.
Longwell appeared to boast about the influence this campaign had in 2020 in a statement published by the Hill.
“Rebuilding the anti-Trump coalition that made a difference in 2020 requires reaching out to former Republicans and Republican-leaning voters with relatable and credible messengers,” the speaker stated. “It creates a permission structure that says that, despite their grievances against Joe Biden, Donald Trump is too dangerous and insane to ever be president again.”
So, what they’re saying is that Biden would be a bette4 choice? Four more years of a simple-minded vegetable? Oh, yeah…smart plan.
Will let us know who to replace right!
You hit that nail right on the head.
If they don’t want to be Republican, why don’t they just go over to the dark side and become Democrats. That is all they are good for. The left leaning Republicans should leave the Republican party, they don’t belong in the human conservative party.
Spot on. Only weakminded drones would vote democrat, Biden in particular, instead of a proven winner. Go MAGA!
Exactly what I came to write.
Trump 2024 or Earth will be Nomore!
These people they are calling RINOS are in FACT just another bunch of RECTUM SUCKING PUPPETS of the Democraps. There are only a few TRUE REPUBLICANS in DC any more. The supposed Mainstream Media is the group that SUCKS Democrap RECTUM the hardest.
I’ getting sick & tired of the sick,filth certain people are trying to use to get rid of Trump. How on earth could anyone want Biden for President again or anyone like him ???????
Totally agree with you!
The further Biden drags us to the left, the more we need someone to drag us back to the right. For every action there is and equal and opposite reaction. I don’t care about Trump the person. We need a bulldozer to put things back where they belong.
If this is true Republicans are no better than the rotten destructive Democrats. Calling Donald Trump insane when they have destroyed America.They are a Cancer and it has went to far.
So the truth is finally voiced to the public. Most of US have known it all along, to the DemonRats and RINOS, it’s party over country! They don’t want Trump because he wants to get rid of “Business as Usual” for these scumbags. They want to continue to line their pockets, rob from We The People and keep the “Status Quo” in place. When in “Reality” the American Citizens have had their fill of being treated like 2nd class citizens and walking ATMs for the Self Professed “Elite” when in fact 95% of them are simply “Parasites” using ANY MEANS POSSIBLE to enrich themselves.
When was the last time We The People were better off? It was when Trump was president, BUT he went against THEIR accepted model and has Exposed Most of them as Traitors to our Country, People AND Constitution. DemonRats and RINOS, must be Flushed from the system & many need an extended vacation in GITMO!
Well said, Leslie. You did an excellent job of “having a way with words”.
I agree with everything you said.
Never heard more truth than what I just read. Absolutely and you can count on me to VOTE TRUMP even if I have to walk to the polls with a very bad knee. GOD and his ANOINTED TRUMP is the only thing that will save us from the DEMONRATS.
Yes, yes, yes!
I dont understand how they can not see what is going on with this. It is a threar to the
Rinos also and they should unite with Trump to help gettimg back to being the nation we had
From 2016 to 2020 or get out of politics. They are a disgrace!!!
Do the RINOS want to elect Biden or his handlers????Amazing supposed Republicans fighting against their party.
They would rather have JB in office than someone who might expose their corrupt pedophile lifestyle. Hoping someone has the guts to publish a list of these RINO’s names so we can make sure we never vote for them to hold public office again.
remember when our great leader in senate said there’s no way gop can win sen. we don’t have good candidates as he refused support both $$$ or anything for all trump endorsed candidates/rinos have NEVER protected gop from CORRUPT dems instead give ok to do what dems do best smear fear cheat
4 more of Joe Biden shameful RINOS really Nikki Haley and Mike Pence,???.?
Yes Trump 2024 can’t be bought scared nikki pence need to just shut up an go away u lost
I find that the Rhinos in the Republican party do not represent my views of what is best for this country. I suggest that they form a third party, since most people who call themselves Republicans are/have voted for Donald Trump.
if you love this country , its time to stand up and fight. pick up arms if that what it takes.
If true, this will be the nail in the coffin of our once great county. I have been
a registered Democrat and will soon switch to the Republican due to two people:
Trump, because he’s the best candidate with a proven record as President, and
Schumer’s recent rant seeking removal of Netanyahu as Israel’s Prime Minister.
I can no longer tolerate the hypocrisy of the Dems.
God bless you. Someone with some sense!!!
The RINOs and DemoncRATs just keep on producing campaign ads for our President. They still think we’re stupid, just like they always have.
These RINOS are the very ones that Trump needs to, and will weed out of our government. They know
that, and don’t want their disgusting perks interrupted. They are bought and paid for by special interest
factions who care nothing about our country. MAGA!!!
These Rino’s are worthless. they would rather see AmericA destroyed by a senile decrepid man, than support a Mega man.These Rino’s are as senile as the current Man.Just who are theseRino’s???
How to fix the problem? Will I found out that my cell phone service is Pro Democrats , sending millions of dollars to the Democrats, so I canceled them, and chose a different cell service, after I investigated there $ going to the Republican party,
Boycott business, .
I know we’re stuck with utility companys,.
Trying to by goods from Made in American Business, ( But Remember American business are getting there items from China, and selling them as American product’s)
It does take some investigation work.
I’ve written my congressman, of course with no reply,
I’ve even written, Donald Trumps office with no reply, all they reply is donate $ monthly, bullshit.
But all in all , if Donald Trump doesn’t win, there should be a ^#@*&^^$ and take back our way of common sense.
I’m not advocating violence, Just FREE SPEACH.
Sorry sap suckers, rinos. Loosers they are. Vote out of office.
I think we should reconsider the current breed of Democrats and get rid of them all, then start over. Their actions lately have been biased and completely distorted. They know as well as we do that Biden is guilty. But justice seems to have faded away. We need to remove them.
Anyone who runs out and votes for a democrat for any office is not an American. Cause all you have to do is open your eyes and un- clot your ears to see what the dirty democrats are doing to are country. They are destroying it. All there good for is power and money -power. Why do you thank there not closing the border– its because they want enough illegal immigrants to take over every man, woman and child in this country. They thank they can hold onto there power by letting then in and making them democrats. The stupit idiots dont realize what all there letting in there not watching . Now are hold country is in danger cause of these blood thirsty idiots called democrats. And not counting what all esle Biden and his cronies have done to us. The high inflation, the economy out of control , old stupit giving are tax money away to other countries like its his candy to give away.!!. So now with all that spending comes all the spending on the mass immigrants thats in on us. Wish the dam stupid democrats would learn that there not going to win on these illegal aliens there going to end up taken us over . We need Trump in office fast before this shit happens. Trump 24 yes —- dam democrats back in hell where they belong.
This is just my theory on why Biteme, (I mean Biden) is allowing all these illegals in, many of whom are terrorists, is thIs. And, is also how he hopes to win reelection. About two weeks to a month before the election the Chinese will call in their IOUs and tell these terrorists to start riots, forest fires, sabotage anything they can to disrupt the election, and Biden will declare a national emergency (because we all know China owns Biden) call out not just the National Guard but also the military and claim he now has to cancel the election because of all the turmoil and remain as President for life. We also know how much Biden loves China and Russia and wants to be a dictator just like XI and Putin.
Yell both sounds right. The one thing that sounds right to me is ** Biden and his family are crooks. He should of been taken out of office buring his first year.** But thanks to are democrats in high up justice departments he stays in office.** It don’t take a fool to see that Biden has committed treason YES from the border ** Are president is supposed to protect the American citizens from a invasion into the USA ** But with this president he is the cause of the worse invasion ever in history of are country** so why can’t the citizens stand up and declare are president is committing treason against us and have him removed from office.** YES REMOVED !!!. This is not the country that are forefathers fought hard for ** this country is fast becoming a democrat made up country. And this mush stop, we have to get these dirty stupid democrat idiots out of all are offices ** my god thier destroying the states there governor over ” look at California for one ” the democrats are taken this country apart. We have to fight back or lose are homes are very homeland. The democrats are so above the law. If they where not so above the law then Biden would be in jail and not president and running to be president again. The most treasonous president in history.
We just need to remind people that their lives were financially much better under Trump than under Biden.
Gotta love how Hur indicated Biden had confiscated documents to take home – even before he was no longer president and let a NON-GOVT write READ these CLASSIFIED documents but declined to CHARGE HIM because he was an old man with a bad memory. And you think HE is better than Trump?!?! Y’all are crazy!!