New York Magazine has come under fire for publishing a cover article that made the case for allowing kids the ability to “change their sex” through permanent, life-altering medical operations.
The author of the piece, a guy who identifies as a woman named Andrea Long Chu, claims that children should have “freedom of sex,” which immediately drew condemnation from pundits who highlighted the negative effects of transgender surgeries on kids. For instance, giving kids cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers can cause cardiac problems, hinder bone growth, and permanently affect fertility, among other health difficulties. The effects of genital operations and the removal of healthy breasts from females who identify as guys are likewise permanent.
Regardless of age, gender identity, social milieu, or mental history, Chu said, “we must be ready to defend the premise that, in principle, everybody should have access to sex-changing medical therapy.” You might think this is an extremely difficult assignment. Millions of people already believe it, which is wonderful news.
Chu stated elsewhere in the article that it makes no difference from where some kids receive the urge to identify as transgender. Numerous analysts have attributed a portion of the surge of youngsters claiming to be transgender to social media impact and peer pressure.
“Until we comprehend transgender children as whole members of society who would wish to change their sex, we will never be able to defend their rights.” Where this desire originates is irrelevant, Chu wrote.
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s doctors believe a 16-year-old girl may have gotten liver tumors after taking male hormones, and many of them acknowledge that children cannot consent to these procedures. A think tank called Environmental Progress leaked files that contained this information.
Chu also played down worries about men using women’s restrooms, hurting women in sporting events, and parents having too much say over their children’s medical decisions throughout the narrative.
In the end, he concluded, “the trans-exclusionary radical feminist [TERF] does not dread being molested by a Y chromosome in a women’s washroom.” “Her paranoid dream involves a huge, testosterone-fueled body with a penis, which the TERF associates with almost supernatural powers of violence,” as Butler notes.
Chu also asserted that sex-segregated sports were designed to perpetuate “inequity” and that it was a “fantastical assumption” that men would outperform women in sporting events.
Many people are uncomfortable with the mostly fictitious notion that trans women will always be the best in their chosen sports. This is because it represents a fundamental patriarchal view that men’s physical advantages are okay as long as they belong to men. (In this way, gender segregation in sports serves to reinforce inequality rather than lessen it.) Chu wrote.
Chue declared that the “right to change one’s biological gender” should belong to all people, even children.
What does actual freedom look like? Chu remarked, “Let anyone alter their sex.” Permit someone to switch their gender. Permit anyone to switch sexes once more. Whatever their sexual orientation, let trans women participate in sports. If they do well, it just indicates that some girls are more gifted athletes than others. Give individuals the freedom to use the gender-specific facilities they choose; desegregate wherever it is practical. Don’t give kids away to their parents.
Conservative pundits attacked the essay, claiming that it was reckless and that changing one’s sex was unachievable.
Emeritus Editor of the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, remarked, “You nasty sadists.”
What is the liberal talking point that goes, “Believe them when they tell you who they are?” Their goal is to control and surgically disfigure children. “This is wicked, and I’m not going to even consider that there may be any subtlety here,” writer Mark Hemingway of Real Clear Investigations stated.
The unfortunate fact is that no one can genuinely change their sex, no matter how old they are. According to Inez Stepman, “the misguided goal of really altering sex is not real; the harm to children’s bodies is.”
Chu is nothing more than a radical idiot. Children are under the care of their parents until the age of eighteen in most cases. Children also have no clue what transgender actually is. No matter what you are what you are born as. S far as sports go it is a proven fact that no matter what if the person was born male they have an advantage over women. What Chu is doing is spreading misinformation.
Yes,he is an dumb ass idiot,all liberals are,this is why people like him,are just completely ignorant to the issues facing this country,I never thought I would ever see this kind of problems,I worry about my children & grandchildren,with this dumb ass just like the WHOLE biden admin.ruining this country,@ the people that voted for this bunch,YOU are part of the problem,you must like communism cause you voted for him,well actually y’all STOLE the election,with y’all’s underhanded low life tricks,loading ballot boxes with dead people names,all of you need to go to prison,& I hope when Trump goes back in he comes after you ass holes,you don’t deserve to live here,get your sorry asses out of this country go live in a communist country,all you people are SICK.
If we want to help the country, help these sick mentally ill idiots, we need to put them to sleep, problem solved.
Chu is being strategic. He’s taking the absolute farthest left view so that any compromise will seem reasonable and “conservative.” He could be a Macheovelian serpent or simply a useful idiot. Either way he’s setting up a paradigm for at least incremental acceptance of this dogma. The last thing we can do is dismiss it as so extreme that it could never happen. We are already far too far down the road towards embracing ALMOST everything he’s advocating here, as a society.
Chu is a very sick person, should not be allowed out in public. They have Wards for people like Chu. mental wwards.
The sane Americans has to stand up and stop these mentally dysfunctional Democrats that can not be normal humans
Is Biden a transgender? Just curious because his mental state equals that of the transgender state. Both are truly mentally messed up!
Why won’t 5he democrats, their the ones molesting kids. So making it easer is their goal. Now we see what parents do about it or just follow along blindly
We got deep dark unexplored holes where I’m from. And we use them from time to time.