Every other month or so, some self-righteous left-winger finds the time in his or her unemployed life to take a chisel to President Donald Trump’s star along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Considering how often people are hired to fix it, you could chalk up more jobs that have been added just by the president being himself.
It’s interesting to note that Trump’s star is under constant threat, while stars dedicated to celebrities who have been outed by the #MeToo movement go completely unharmed. Two of these include sexual predators Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby.
Remember, the political left pays constant homage to the #MeToo movement, and often claims to be the champion of feminist causes. By this logic, you would think leftist vandals would target people who have been outed as rapists and sexual predators. Apparently, political inclinations are more important…
Clearly, the left has no consistency here. Tarnishing Trump’s star isn’t about some moral crusade. If it were, likely more than half of the Walk of Fame would have been obliterated by now.
~ Facts Not Memes