In 2009, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress needed to pass the Affordable Care Act to find out what’s in it. Well, they did, and almost everyone hated it. This didn’t include Congress, of course, because they were exempted from all the fines and penalties associated with it. The American people didn’t get the same deal.
The ACA, better known as “Obamacare”, was a government program funded by penalizing people who wanted nothing to do with it. The individual mandate, which was finally scrapped by the Trump Administration in 2017, forced individuals over the age of 26 to either buy health insurance or pay a penalty to supplement government-sponsored healthcare plans. The Supreme Court justified this by calling the fine a “tax”, which Congress is allowed to do.
Let’s not kid ourselves — it wasn’t a tax, it was a penalty for being young and having no health problems. Regardless, it was something the entire country was subjected to anyway.
Now, wouldn’t it be something if Trump somehow fined people who didn’t want a wall? The difference is that a majority of Americans do want better border security, and they wouldn’t need to pay extra for it.
~ Facts Not Memes