Cops Finding Pre-Staged Bricks in Kenosha Alleys Ahead of Verdict

Most of the country is now waiting in anticipation for the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, as of this writing. What’s taking them so long? Who knows? Maybe the jurors are afraid that all of the mainstream media calls for violence will be acted upon if they do the right thing and acquit Kyle of these trumped-up charges.

We do know from reports that the usual gaggle of Antifa miscreants and meth addicts is filtering back into Kenosha, WI, right now. And police say they’re finding random piles of pre-staged bricks in convenient locations, just as they did last summer every time a planned riot was about to break out.

This meme has a theory about who is paying for all those handy piles of bricks. And… the theory is probably correct.

In the meantime, the judge has now banned MSNBC from the courthouse after they were caught following the bus of jurors home and trying to dox them. There’s no good reason for the media trying to identify and dox the jurors. That’s flat-out jury intimidation, and we hope those MSNBC thugs get some jail time for that stunt!

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29 thoughts on “Cops Finding Pre-Staged Bricks in Kenosha Alleys Ahead of Verdict”

  1. We can not hope out loud that they will be held accountable for what was certainly an attempt to Dox the jurors. But I am very doubtful anyone will even be charged. It would certainly help to deter that practice in the future, but don’t hold your breath.

    1. I certainly agree that we shouldn’t hold our breath regarding MSNBC wannabe journalists being charged. But, the citizens of Kenosha will remember this inaction and vote accordingly during the next election. In fact, the entire country will remember EVERYTHING.

  2. The big question is why has the survivor that was shot being charged with Felon in possession of a fire arm? Why has these people doing all the intimidation being charged? He the thing weather you like it or not he went to trail he had a jury of 12! They heard the evidence and they have decided he’s not guilty! Case closed! Now what needs to happen is a lot of law suits against these liberal news outlets ant those in congress that put there 2cents in when it wasn’t needed! They new to stay out of local business and get back to running the country! Koppernick needs to keep his trap shout as he’s just a washed up pos looking to get head lines! It’s a shame that these people rioting get no charges but a person defending his life get run through the mill! Yes our justice system is broke but it’s broke in the wrong way! Politicians need to stay out of things that don’t belong! And anyone rioting after this case should be charged and go to prison! What happened to the rights in our country? As you can see it’s called liberals!

    1. A man once asked a preacher if there was a God why are there so many people who are completely corrupt for greed. He answered those are the people who sold their sole to the devil.

  3. I believe that from now on the Bad Guys (ANTIFA, BLM and others) are going to be “looking over their shoulders” for the Good Guys, like Kyle, that are going to be actively protecting the Concerned Citizens and Business Owners in these Cities and Towns run by mostly Incompetent Democrats.

    We the People have a God Given Right to Protect Ourselves in any way possible. There is a Reason why more and more people are buying guns and learning how to use them! The Reason is Simple! If the government won’t protect its Citizens, the Citizens Must and Will Protect themselves!

  4. Radicals in this country especially “blue” states always seem to get away with all of their destruction Crooks are running blue states and the red states get overwhelmed while Joe Biden picks his nose

    1. Little Joe picks his nose because he has some of that Hunter’s nose candy lodged up there. It’s the only way he can stay a wake

  5. I suggest a discreet watch be put on those bricks and anyone attempting to take them, other than a legal owner with paperwork showing their ownership, be arrested for stealing.

  6. nothing i read states emphatically that those pallets were unlawful and that they were removed very soon after discovery!

    1. If they were for logical construction, they wouldn’t have been removed. Did you see any new construction going on in that area? Usually bricks of that size are used for finish landscaping. Did you see any of that going on in that area? So your comment “nothing I read states emphatically” if you thought about it for a while (though not emphatic) common sense would dictate that maybe there is another use for those bricks. Thank God, the police were aware of the situation and quelled it immediately. Good Work!!!!!

  7. When is our government going to stop this insanity and put these rioters in prison??? Our justice systems are being run by communist scum to destroy what is good about America. Wake up morons and look to see what is happening to our country. We need to rid our country of all the demon-rats and bring back the parties who love America and want to see it prosper once again…. God Bless America…..

    1. This begs the question. Why were the three rioters that ended up on the wrong end of a gun even there? From what has been reported, they all three were life long violent criminals that were in jail, but released.


  9. Business owners near these brick piles need to be armed and prepared to protect their life and property. They need not end up like the 71 year old that was trying to protect his property. Instead of a fire extinguisher, he should have had a fire arm. He may have ended up just as he did with the fire extinguisher, but he would have had company laying next to him.

  10. @ Rittenhouse and “Justice”:

    Mr Nadler from the Department of … “Justice”(?) mimicked a “roar” about such an “Scandal”: ‘A JURY WHO VOTES AGAINST THE ORDERS OF PRESS, MEDIA, AND BIDEN’! To say it in words now commonly known: “HOW DARE THEY?”

    And as we all know, or are reminded by Mr. Nadler: ‘Rioting, looting, arson, and violent attacks on communities are “Protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution!” How could we have forgotten that? It was solemnly conferred to us by none less than the “President” of the United States Josef Robinette Biden and several “honorable” Congress Members a “The Citizens’ Privilege of Peaceful Demonstrations” (which does not apply only on 6 Januaries each year – even to peaceful ones).

    So, where did they all, Do”J” lawyers, “Democrat” brains learn Law? 1933 in Germany?

    We know that matters like ‘IN DUBIO PRO REO’ (in doubt, FOR the accused!) and that ‘Seeking TRUTH – NOT INTEREST!’ must be the absolute CREED OF EACH COURT – inclusive of the Prosecutor!’ have been the rock and foundation of Justice (with no inverted commas) for near 4000 years.

    In that first CODE OF LAW, King Hamurabi in Sumeria made it aGeneral Principle that “AN ACCUSER WHO DID NOT PROOVE HIS CHARGE WOULD GET THE PUNISHMENT THE ACCUSED WOULD HAVE GOTTEN IF FOUND GUILTY!” Wouldn’t we all (except many prosecutors) wish we still had such good Laws today? But the said Do”J” lawyers, “Democrat” brains would not agree with us, I fear.

    So, Judge Schroeder calls it a day –and a good one, it seems– and tells his parting Jury

    “You were a wonderful jury to work with. You were punctual, you were attentive. The forgotten six over here, who had a very difficult job of keeping from discussing the case during the time that they were sequestered, as well. All of you — I couldn’t have asked for a better jury to work with. And it has truly been my pleasure.”

    “Without commenting on your verdict, the verdicts themselves, just in terms of your attentiveness and the cooperation that you gave to us, justifies the confidence that the founders of our country placed in you.”

    And he is right. Such praise should not be needed, of course, as it should be the norm. But generations of lawyers who see in Courts only “Arenas of Making Money” and twisting every bit of evidence (or “forgetting” it), and through “Elections thus Won” making a way in politicks (with the nasty spelling).

    Thus, this Court, Judge, Jury, and Trial gave us a ‘RAY OF HOPE’ in a night of perjury and prejudgments, not to mention MOB RULE ENCOURAGED BY A “PRESIDENT”.

    THIS TRIAL HAS SHOWN US HOW THE CHAUVIN TRIAL SHOULD HAVE BEEN: Ignoring outside interests – even if they were justified! And protecting all participants. Let’s be clear, a black Police Chief who dumps his white officer in Perjury about his station’s standards (Minneapolis police had used ‘chokehold’ 237-times in 5 years – and 44 so arrested were unconscious) needs the sack. If a witness’s home is ransacked the witness likely said the truth. A juror who was party with one side is PERJURIOUS! The entire Chauvin Trial was a ‘FARCE OF RACIST REVENGE’. The officer acted in Gross Neglect, but without Intent To Harm – but that “Court”, instead of being one of ‘Justice’, as the one in Kenosha CONSPIRED WITH MOB AND GOVERNMENT like in the days of Robbespièrre. They all deserve losing license and position.

    So much is there which Mr. Nadler should revoke – But this DoJ WANTS INJUSTICE!

  11. Now that Rittenhouse has been found NOT guilty on all counts, which is the CORRECT LEGAL VERDICT. Rittenhouse should never have been charged & should be SUING the State for malicious prosecution & Criminal Prosecutorial
    Misconduct. He should also ask for a special prosecutor from the AGs office to file criminal charges against the prosecutor in the case. Additionally the fake Msn-B/S operative that followed the Jury, should be charged & arrested for Stalking and Jury intimidation/ Harassment. Then, Rittenhouse needs to sue the shit out of the Fake msm for defamation. The only time the fake news LYING SCUMBAGS understand they did someone wrong is when they are hit in the BIG pocket book for millions.
    Anyone that riots, loots or burns because they didn’t like the outcome, needs to be dealt with as FELONS.
    Had the Elected Officials & Police done their JOBS and put a stop to the violent riots with overwhelming force, Rittenhouse would be an UNKNOWN.

  12. Do any of the “children” who are out in the streets burning and looting remember the Rodney King riots in La? When the rioters moved toward Korea town, the areas where Koreans had established themselves, the found that the shop owners were in front of their businesses and on the roofs. They were Armed with shotguns and rifles. There was no looting or burning in Korea town. If the police weren’t going to enforce the law,they would protect themselves.

  13. the mayor of Kenosha needs to call the brick company, make them pick up and return the bricks, and find out who ordered and paid for them. then he needs to arrest and try whoever did that

  14. M y guess & bet is that the bricks were paid for by blm and or antifa through Nazi Soros funding. Soros is a thorn in the side of the USA. There is an active arrest warrant for him in Russia, why he hasn’t be extradited leave one to wonder what he is doing or has done for the U.S. shadow gov.

  15. I think there will be less killings of innocent citizens, less riots, less burning of cities because the trashy thugs known as antifa and blm might think twice now. They may think that K.R. may be one of the innocent citizens in the crowd of people they are trying to injury or burn down their buildings. Good lick thugs.

  16. The Department of Public works should go with a loader put the Bricks on a truck ,bring them to the yard they store their supplies.

  17. Don’t tell me that some city workers with a fork truck and a flatbed could not drive around the city and pick up all those bricks and transport them to the impound lot. It would be interesting to see who comes by to claim them later?

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