195% Say Inflation is Directly Affecting Their Families

Wow! The numbers on the inflation polling in this meme seem to be a bit high. 124% say inflation is not affecting their family. 195% say it is. If the numbers seem a little off, that’s because Democrats are in charge of the economy.

Thanks to Joe Biden, gas is now averaging close to $5 a gallon ($6 in California). Food prices are going through the roof. Babies are going hungry because of the Biden-caused baby formula shortage.

And we’re being warned of looming food shortages and even energy shortages this summer when it gets hot. People in many parts of the country won’t be able to turn their air conditioning on this summer because there won’t be any electricity. 

Biden could stop this immediately by reopening our oil and gas drilling. That would ease the pressure on fuel prices which affect all other consumer goods. 

Everyone knows this, but Biden still won’t do it. He’s hoping that the pain that Americans are feeling will encourage them to switch to electric cars… which require coal-fired electricity to recharge their batteries.

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12 thoughts on “195% Say Inflation is Directly Affecting Their Families”

  1. Take into consideration that you help created this! Yes! It truth! You have spent years voting for these DEMOCRAT! NOW IT CAUGHT UP WITH YOU!

    1. Don’t blame everyone in this country – we didn’t ALL vote for this moron. And I haven’t voted Democrat since I was an uninformed kid just out of high school who foolishly voted for Carter.

      1. Diana ITA with you I also quit voting Democrat after what Carter did to this country. I found out really quickly that Democrats were not for the people. This mess is on the Democrats and all those that voted Democrats how do you like it now.

  2. Joe Biden seems to be determined to bring this nation to its knees so his pals, the Chinese Communists, can waltz in and take over. Vote in the midterm election as though your life depends on it because IT DOES!

  3. With electricity in sort demand in some states how are electric cars going to help? Think of all the millions of apartment building occupants and how are they suppose to charge their cars? This stupid “New Green Deal” has not been though out. Electric cars by 2030, yeh right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I thought Obama was the most stupid man ever to live in the White House but Joe Biden has EASILY replaced Michelle’s (What a man!!) beau as the new DUMBASS-As-CHIEF. So, this is the result of a stolen election and where do we go, as a country, from here?!
    Donald Trump is a businessman. And as such, his way of leading this country was exemplary.
    You know why they impeached him?!!

    Because he exposed the senate and congress (BOTH sides of the coin) for the absolute FUCKING FRAUDS that they are.
    We elect these assholes to work for US…and that just doesn’t happen. They work for themselves. They’ve done zip for years, and this reprehensible, racist, pedophile is taking this country to its knees!! Fuck Joe Biden!! He hates America, and as an AMERICAN, I hate him. The pipeline cancellation started this trip down the drain, and until this belligerent, dour, prick comes to his senses (I know), we’re pretty much screwed. He wants now to go to Saudi Arabia and talk to those terrorists about oil!! WHAT?!!!!! Hey Joe, we’ve got more oil than they do, here’s an idea…… start using our reserves. Again, I know. New green deal=STUPIDITY

  5. I never voted Democrat.. I was raised Christian, conservative and republican. that never left me.

  6. And 200% of the Blame goes to BOZO-BEJING-Biden & the Cat house Clowns. Demonrats are the scourge of the earth. Everything they do & touch turns into a CRAP storm. Demonrats & Liberals are 200% to blame for the Decay of the USA. The scumbags who voted for the liberal demonrat excrements share the blame!

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