If we were forced to say anything nice about former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg jumping into the race for 2020, it’s that he’s convinced the rest of the Democratic pack to finally stop pretending to be friends with each other. At the very least, it makes for much better TV…
If you didn’t watch Bloomberg’s first live debate appearance alongside the rest of the Democrats Americans actually recognize as presidential candidates, it was brutal. Within minutes, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren brought up the litany of non-disclosure agreements Bloomberg has signed — many of which were done with former female employees of his.
Sure, this is the same mud-flinging tactic the media has used against President Donald Trump time and time again, and it’s annoying to see it done to anyone — even a person we don’t particularly like. But, it didn’t stop there.
When the moderators got around to allowing Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to speak, we finally got the class warfare dumpster fire we’ve all been expecting. Bloomberg had to defend his very existence as a billionaire, and Bernie had to pretend that owning three homes and at least two million dollars doesn’t make you rich.
Being a Democrat sounds miserable, doesn’t it?
Bloomberg has reportedly been spending at least $7 million a day just to stay in the campaign, and he’s just getting his ass kicked. At least he has one liberal friend who can relate to him, but we’re willing to bet he might not like his stop-and-frisk policies…