Our minds were pretty blown when we saw this image.
We want to be fair for a minute: American millennials don’t deserve 100 percent of the blame for how university education is such a joke today. They were told by their parents and grandparents that college was the paramount of education. They were told by their public school teachers that they needed a degree to get a good job. Both of these things were likes that millennials believed.
Well, they went to college. They got those degrees. Now, they’re still paying for four years of being told that white men are the embodiment of political evil, that there is no such thing as gender, and that you don’t have to listen to anyone who disagrees with you.
So yes, many of us share the blame for this. But, at the end of the day, we all have free will, so don’t misunderstand us to suggest that lefty millennials who still can’t find a job after dropping tens of thousands on a degree that doesn’t mean anything are completely blameless.
America needs to do a better job in informing the young that there are many different pathways to success. For some of us, it does mean a college education. For many of us, it doesn’t. Not everyone has to live the same way.