Gosh, World War III came and went really quick…
The media assured us that President Donald Trump’s ineptitude and stupid cowboy antics had plunged us into NUKULAR WAR with Iran, Russia and China, all because the president had droned an Iranian terrorist in Baghdad.
What really happened? Iran shot some “retaliation” missiles into the dirt, well away from American troops. Then, a nervous Iranian anti-aircraft battery with an itchy trigger finger shot
down a Ukrainian passenger jet with 190 innocent civilians on it, because they thought they had
spotted an incoming American attack.
And… then it was all over. Iran stood down.
It’s like night and day watching a true historic world leader Trump deal with Iran, compared to the squishy, wishy-washy, cowardly “surrender first” attitude of Barack Obama. Even the “retaliation” missiles that Iran shot into an empty desert were paid for by (our tax dollars) via the Obama administration.
What Trump’s leadership has revealed is that Iran, which we’ve ostensibly been at war with
since 1979, is actually a paper tiger. Obama ran from Iran. Trump didn’t. Amen.