In case you missed it last week, Senators Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz engaged in a fierce policy debate over the GOP’s tax reform plans on CNN. The result was about as predictable as you would expect.
In his opening statement, Cruz made a bold prediction: that his socialist counterpart would spend the majority of the evening bashing the “one percent”, and suggest that America would be a utopia if the “millionaires and billionaires” were simply taxed out of existence.
While Sanders met Cruz’s attack with a prediction of his own, he played right into the Texas Republican’s hands by doing exactly this.
During the debate, Cruz pointed out that even if all of America’s millionaires and billionaires had their wealth completely confiscated, it would pay for only a fraction of the government spending Sanders is calling for. Sanders didn’t have much to punch back with other than emotional hyperbole and classist statements.
If you have the time, the full debate (available on YouTube) is definitely worth a watch.
~ Facts Not Memes