There’s a hilarious back story to this meme: A Twitter user sent it to a mainstream media reporter in response to a bigoted, anti-Christian attack against Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett. So, it wasn’t just a meme – it was a meme with a purpose!
It’s fascinating to watch the media twist themselves in knots as they try to come up with an angle to smear Judge Barrett. It’s not like they can drag a bunch of neck-bearded hipsters out to claim that she molested them. Well… actually… maybe they will try that at some point.
But aside from that, they’ve attacked her by trying to claim that her church inspired the Handmaid’s Tale; that she may have stolen the two kids she adopted from Haiti; that it’s “problematic” that she has a mixed-race family; and that she can’t possibly have enough time to be a mother to seven kids and a judge.
Do you realize what you sound like, Democrats?
Anyway, whenever the left tries to demonize someone on the right, you can rest assured that there will be a meme that amplifies the claim and throws it back in their faces. Behold Amy Coney Barrett’s laser Christian eyes!