In the 1970s and 80s, to be “counter culture” mean to embody nearly everything society discouraged. It was a sentiment that rejected mainstream establishments like government, corporate America, and organized religion.
We all remember this used to look like. We saw it with the so-called hippie movement of the 1960s and 70s, and the subsequent punk rock rebellion that developed around the same time. Followers used crude language, championed promiscuous lifestyles, and listened to crass music.
But…what does counter culture look like today? A quick examination of societal norms and the culture promoted by mainstream media makes it seem like the sides have completely flipped.
Here’s a general thought experiment to illustrate our point. Let’s say an average woman in her late 20s was being interviewed by reporters for whatever reason, and she was asked to provide her ultimate goals in life — what would the media want her to say? If she gave the modern standard of a balanced career and social life, that would fit the bill. But, what if she told the reporter that she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom? The result would be complete outrage.
This is where we are now as a society. Traditional values have been cast aside, meaning the only people who can truly identify as being “counter culture” are those that follow them.
~ Facts Not Memes