In case you were wondering what the mental state of the Democratic Party is right now, we found an excellent image to help explain everything.
If the gentleman (lady? we’re not sure which pronouns he/she/xe prefers) pictured here seems familiar, it’s because this image was taken from the funniest part of President Trump’s inauguration in 2016. As Trump was being sworn into office, media cameras managed to capture this person throwing himself to the ground beneath him (her, xer?) in absolute despair the moment it became official.
This image quickly became the symbol for the regressive left in 2016. It should have changed in 2017 (presumably following months of rebranding on behalf of the Democrats), but it really hasn’t. All the president really has to do to upset the left is comment on…well…anything. Democratic politicians have even found themselves defending terrorists and drug cartels after Trump referred to MS-13 as “animals”.
Based on what we’ve seen so far, there’s really no reason to expect the left to change. For the sake of what we do here at Facts Not Memes, 2020 can’t come fast enough…
~ Facts Not Memes