Whoever created this meme deserves the Triple Crown! It’s a Meghan Markle, Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein royal trifecta all rolled into one! Not all heroes wear capes, but the hero who made this meme definitely deserves one in our book.
Meghan Markle, if you haven’t been staying up on the latest royal celebrity news from London, has convinced poor Prince Harry to give up his station in the royal family… because REASONS.
Actually, we all know the real reason. It’s because Duchess Yoko doesn’t really love Harry and quickly grew tired of not going to cocktail parties with lots of pool boys in Hollywood. But whatever. Harry went along with this because why?
So the queen has settled on a solution to the “Meghan” problem in this meme, by reaching out to her fellow elitist Hillary Clinton with a nasty rumor. Poor Meghan… If this was real, it would only be a matter of time before she slips on a banana peel and falls in front of a moving train while being attacked by a stray alligator. (It’ll be ruled a suicide, of course.)
Actually, Prince Harry is the one we should all be pitying. We give that marriage another three years, tops.