Robert Mueller, the special counsel recruited to fulfill the Democratic fantasy of an impeachment for President Donald Trump, has recently gained access to at least 1,000 emails from the president’s team during its transitionary period.
In other words, Mueller has found no evidence of any criminal activity during the election — the original talking point for the Democratic Party — so he’s been forced to broaden his scope.
This simply tells us what we already know — Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election fair and square against a hilariously flawed opponent.
News involving an investigation of a very large number of emails almost feels a bit nostalgic, at this point, and has us recalling the scores of Hillary Clinton’s missing emails — which would have likely implicated her in some way or another for the State Department’s failure in Benghazi.
Clinton received a massive benefit of the doubt by former FBI Director James Comey, who was found to be planning her exoneration before even interviewing her.
~ Facts Not Memes