Ah, Scotland — the home of some of the fiercest warriors in European history. So fierce, in fact, that the Pict tribes that inhabited the land thousands of years ago were one of the few barbarians that were able to resist Roman expansion. Even under the rule of the mighty Emperor Trajan, Roman legions would eventually give up trying to colonize the British Isles.
During the late Middle Ages, the Scots would prove their valor again in their battles against English monarchs. Of course, Scotland would eventually be annexed into what is now the United Kingdom. However, the country’s reputation for producing hardened icons of masculinity would continue for centuries.
Fast forward to today, and the country is unrecognizable from the warrior culture of its past. Following the rest of Britain’s example, Scottish authorities actually police their citizens for “hate speech” — a term which can simply be defined as a statement that leftists don’t like.
Just recently, Scottish courts fined a two-bit YouTube comedian for making a Nazi joke on the internet. Sure, the joke was in poor taste, but it hardly constituted what anyone with a reasonable mind could label as a “threat.”
If you’re looking for what you saw in Braveheart, you clearly won’t find it in Scotland.
~ Facts Not Memes