When Americans want reliable news stories that they know they can trust, they turn to Brian “Sniper Fire” Williams of NBC News. Or not!
For those who have forgotten, Brian Williams used to tell a story about the Iraq War back when he was the anchor of NBC Night News. He claimed he was on a helicopter, embedded with US troops, when the chopper was hit by RPG fire and crashed. Williams bravely told of himself coming under heavy sniper fire while they on the ground.
This was all a lie, of course. Williams told that story for years before the truth came out, and he lost the big anchor job because of it (NBC later hired him back, because of course they did).
Nowadays, Williams is telling whoppers about coronavirus. When Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) suggested that COVID-19 may have escaped from the Level-4 Biocontainment lab in Wuhan, China back in February, Brian Williams claimed that Cotton was repeating a “fringe conspiracy theory.”
Sometimes memes are much deserved, and in this case, it’s about time that Sniper Fire Williams received some more mockery for his lies and fake news smears. And he owes Sen. Cotton an apology.