If you took these exact same words, and put them into a teleprompter and had President Donald Trump read it, every single liberal pundit and blue check mark on Twitter would have a complete meltdown over this abhorrent display of overt fascism.
Now look — we’re not letting former President Barack Obama off the hook here. Sure, he was called the “deporter-in-chief” because his administration did in fact oversee a lot of deportations. But, he knew very well that illegal immigration was evolving from a problem into a full-blown crisis. And rather than betray his progressive base by doing what needed to be done, the former president took the easy way out by passing the buck onto his successor. Now, President Trump is basically saying the same thing that a younger Barack Obama was, but is being treated very differently by the mainstream media.
If anything, this just underscores the incredible progression we’ve seen from the Democratic Party over the past decade. What was once considered to be a moderate statement is now far-right hate speech. Now, every single Democratic presidential candidate wants illegal immigrants to receive government-run healthcare. One thing is clear — it won’t stop there.