Black conservatives are a fascinating case study in American politics. For casual observers — as well as left-wing zealots — they shouldn’t exist. They should be on the same page as the DNC on every down-ballot issue.
But, not only do black conservatives in fact exist, they make up some of the most influential people in the movement. Thomas Sowell comes to mind here, as do a number of contemporary pundits that have become extremely popular with the modern right. If you don’t believe us, look up Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, Anthony Brian Logan, or the Hodge Twins. If nothing else, black conservative commentary is hottest trend on the right at the moment.
Oh, we almost forgot about Diamond and Silk. That was silly of us…
Conservatism is, and has always been, a big-tend philosophy. The drive to reduce the size and scope of government, protect constitutional freedoms, and expand free markets is not a racial agenda. These are goals that will benefit everyone once they are realized.
The left is losing its grip on minority voters. The Walk Away campaign is working, and there’s nothing the DNC can do about it. So, once again, we’re going to repeat the obvious: black people don’t have to be Democrats.