Here’s an image that will both make you laugh and despair over the fact that the ideology responsible for the death of millions is still fashionable among modern youth.
Karl Marx was the prevalent mind behind what we now call socialism. His theory was predicated on the idea that the upper class is in the position it’s in because it exploits the labor of the working class, effectively robbing the poor of their own economic output. Strangely enough, the same working class Marx claimed to love suffered the most when his ideas were put into place.
One of the most glaring examples comes from the Soviet Union, the first truly socialist society which overthrew the Russian aristocracy in 1917. After the means of production were collectivized, labor groups struggled to produce enough raw materials to feed the hungry nation. Farmers in Ukraine were particularly bitter about the land reforms. For this, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin starved the country in an atrocious crime against humanity known as the Holodomor.
Stalin’s reign saw the death of approximately 20 million people. Communist governments around the world implemented similar measures, resulting in an astonishing body count of over 100 million.
~ Facts Not Memes