After visiting Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the establishment of a new national office to advocate “red flag” regulations in an attempt to push for gun control legislation.
“I do think it is our responsibility to remember and to testify about what transpired here. It’s quite tragic. Through their family members, I got to meet these lovely folks,” Harris remarked. “They should be so much greater and more than the topic of politics or gamesmanship; they are so much bigger and more than a number.”
“Gun violence is the top cause of mortality for children in America,” the vice president went on to say.
“One in five American families has a family member who died as a result of gun violence, you know. That’s part of what I talk to families about,” Harris added. “Gun violence is the primary cause of mortality for children in America.”
She later added, “And what I witnessed here today is a moment frozen in time, after I spent time with the families on the trip inside the building where these murders occurred.”
Harris continued by saying that in order to “do better” going forward, people must “understand the dimensions” of the tragedy.
Harris remarked, “I know that [victims’ parents] will strive to alleviate the suffering but will never totally recover.” “We have to have the courage to state that on every level, whether we talk about changing laws or practices and locales, we must do better,” the statement reads. “We have to understand the facets of this and look at what happened here.”
During her address, Harris proposed the creation of a new national office called the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center. This organization will assist the 21 states that have enacted “red flag legislation.”
Harris added, “I dare the other 21 that have approved red flag legislation to come on over.” “We have provided you with some materials to assist you in putting the leadership work you have done on this terrible subject into practice.”
“Red flag” laws give the general public and law enforcement the ability to petition a court to temporarily ban someone from owning a handgun if they have cause to think that person could use it as a weapon.
At the end of her address, Harris pledged to “continue to campaign” for stronger gun control legislation in the United States.
The order has drawn criticism from a number of Republicans, including Mayor Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.), who called it an “unauthorized attack on the second amendment.”
Leave it to democrats for failing to require facts in their speeches. They prefer to use lies and coercion in their rhetoric. The msm refuses to fact check them also.
You are so right. No matter what they try to do there will always be someone, mainly criminals who owns guns illegally. These are the ones most likely to be involved in gun violence. Most Americans who own guns are responsible individuals who don’t do mass shootings. Yes, there are some mentally disturbed people who have used guns to kill innocent children. That is absolutely devastating. The burden of responsibility should be on the government for finding more secure ways to protect children in school. However, the is still the matter of not cracking down on gangs and illegals using guns to have turf wars. If those who do such things would have to stand before a firing squad then gun violence would desist in a heart beat. It would also lower the amount of money we have to spend to keep criminals in prison for years on end.
It would seem the vice president of this country would be aware of the Constitutional amendments. But in her case, I understand completely.
She’s full of it. Abortion is the number 1 cause of child death. Then the fake vaccine as it rips the life outa their little body’s as they age. Kamala Harris is a low hanging piece of Black Rotten Fruit. Illegal Aliens is 3rd.Democrats are illegitemate, irrelevant, and incompetent. Vote Red or end up Dead. That’s a fact!
This stupid idiot fails to tell everyone that 3/4 of gun deaths with young people is suicide, and also most gun deaths are by blacks. They make up 15% of the population, and commit 80% of ALL the crime in this country, as they still remain to be one of Americas biggest problems.
And the largest threat to children is abortion not gun violence.
She’s a true moron.
Stop sponsering the Shootings! We know what you are doing!!!!!!!
Wasn’t it Hilter who took the guns from the German people to me Harris and Biden and the democrat party are Hilter and Nazi
Not just to you, to most people that are awake, he is and his helpers are the guy that lived in Germany, because of the depopulation agenda that they have for us, that would make sense. They want to take our guns and then they want to give the illegals guns. I wouldn’t be surprised if they give guns to their pals black lives matter and Antifa, last time black lives matter and Antifa hurt cops and burned down buildings, now they will shoot people, after our guns are taken away. They want to defund the cops to leave us defenseless. on purpose all part of their long thought out plan.
Wake your dumb ass up and walk off a tall building, if the American People allowed ourselves to be disarmed the Communist DNC wouldn’t need illegals of many ethnic backgrounds to kill us!
Harris and Biden and most of the democrat’s are traitors to America. Harris is such a moron she stands there clapping her hands not under standing the language as the protesters are calling her a stupid moron and a few other choice words.
Kamala “Downtownonwilliebrown” Harris, has lost her mind, which is I’m sure, a daily occurrence considering the size issue! The Supreme Court, has our back on this issue! Tell your buddy Soros to stop paying losers to commit mass shootings!
There goes your opportunity to become POTUS, ditzy beeotch!
The republicans in congress sit around playing with them selves well the country is taken over by illegals. Congress their heads out of their asses and start fighting back against these democrats. What a waste of taxpayer money. as far as i’m concerned you are worthless and should be abolished.
While, not well. You seem to have more thoughts of sexual enjoyment than spelling! It’s cool.
List of Communists responsible for the condition of the USA!
1) Bill Ayer’s, highly educated, scrawny punk, domestic-terrorist, co-leader of the Communist Weather Underground!
2) Bernadine Dorn, Ayer’s old lady who did his time so he didn’t have the take it up the ass in prison, during the early 70’s.
3) Barrack Hussein Obama, aka. Barry Soetero, Manchurian Candidate and former potus• Communist, pathological-Liar, attended Harvard, paid for by the Ayer’s family, and The Communists Party Of America!
4) Eric Holder, Gun Runner For The SLA, early 70’s domestic terrorists group, committed armed bank robberies, kidnapped Patricia Hearst, and according to Hearst, ran guns for the group! Served as the attorneys general in the Obama administration!
5) George Soros, billionaire, Communist, sought asylum in the USA and has been unable to return to his former country Hungary! The DNC gave Soros asylum as a dual citizen, as they accept his money, they allow Soros, an unelected official•
Criminal, to appoint federal judges!
6) Susan Rice
7) Valerie Jarrett
8) Hillary Clinton, remember she refused to answer the phone as her Ambassador in Benghazi Chris Steven’s, was calling for help, as the US Embassy was attacked by wretched, rabid Arabs murdered and burned Brave Special Forces, and other Americans in the attack!
9) John Kerry, Communist, Bicycle rider, and coward, silver spooner, who served in Vietnam under desks polishing knobs of higher ups, who joined protesters back home, who spat in the faces of brave American Soldiers returning home!
10) Michelle• Obama
11) The Communist DNC
They’ll all be killed in 2025. Since the government want put them in the pen for their crimes Americans will put them and their familys in their graves. Holy War is coming in 2025. Doesnt matter who’s elected Potus in 2024. That’s a threat, and a warning to take serious heed to. Fk all the US GOVERNMENT TREASONIST SCUM.
Joe Biden is an old man with many health, and mental health problems, used by the Communist DNC as a false storefront POTUS while Obama can be the unconstitutional 3rd term Communist President Of The United States Of America!
Kamala Harris, Dick Taster, not dictator!
Kama Harris, how many times does the Supreme Court have to rule in favor of the 2nd Amendment ?
every time to get the point acoss
Harris does not know her ass from a hole in the ground. She is just the Biden administrations store front. They thank while your laughing at her you want notice the “ man” old Biden . The fraudulent crawl-in president. The man who in three years bought down a nation. One purpose to destroy America— make it non- great so the enemy countries can easy take it over . And while he was at it just open the borders and make it real hard on all Americans while waiting to be taken over by China or some gang he has let in on us. The democrats are so power hungry they don’t know how there hurting there on party. The illegals are not going to roll over and let them boss them there they will lose and we get to laugh at them then. But till then where going to soon be out numbered by the illegals Biden is letting in . What the hell do we do , just roll over and let all them have our country ? What is wronge with this picture ?.