Oh, man! This will never happen, but can you imagine if President Trump announced this as a practical joke? There might be actual suicides at CNN!
Be honest, though. If President Trump nominated the American patriot, radio host and gay frog aficionado Alex Jones to the Supreme Court, there’s no way Jones could ever do a worse job than “wise Latina” Sonia Sotomayor.
Personally, we’d kind of like to see Ted Nugent nominated, because he’d be a pretty solid Second Amendment jurist. Although based on the Nuge’s age, there are probably a lot of younger judges on the federal bench who would make better nominees.
One thing is for certain, though: Democrats will treat every Supreme Court nominee coming from Trump like Alex Jones. All legal merits will be thrown out the window, because that doesn’t actually matter to the progressive left. To them. the Supreme Court is a Super Legislature — not a check on excessive government power.
But, there is good news. The Democrats’ insane antics during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings literally invented Reformed Lindsey Graham. Their disgusting and slanderous smears of Kavanaugh red-pilled Lindsey Graham to the point were there’s almost zero chance that Trump’s nominee won’t be approved by the Senate before the election.