Every single day when Donald John Trump wakes up in the morning, he earns an A++ for his most important job. Which is to not be President Hillary Clinton. Bravo, Mr. President! America rather admires the cut of your jib!
This meme, of course, is a play on the most popular advertising jingle in America, Folgers’ “The Best Part of Waking Up.” Fun fact: The jingle was written by ‘80s one-hit wonder Leslie Pearl. You might remember her from the 1982 hit, “If the Love Fits Wear It,” which reached #28 on the American Top 40 list that year.
No? You don’t remember that one?
That’s okay. Clearly, it wasn’t that memorable — certainly not as memorable as the fact that some reality TV star from Manhattan ran for office exactly once in his life, and ended up becoming President of the United States of America.
Well, no matter. Pearl went on to write the most popular jingle in advertising history for Folgers. The only other ad jingle that even comes close is State Farm’s “Like a Good Neighbor,” which was written by a young and naïve Manilow for a paltry $500 (he’s never received a dime in royalties for it since then).
Anyway, best part of waking up? Donald Trump is President!