“I’m Joe Biden’s husband—Joe Biden!” declared the man who would be the next President of the United States the other day. Turn your record player up, kids, because it’s time for another Joe Biden meme!
This photograph of Biden tells you pretty much everything you need to know about him these days. The blank, confused stare as Biden looks in amazement at something would be kind of sad if Biden wasn’t being propped up as a figurehead for some of the most ruthless cutthroats imaginable.
If the day eventually comes when “Joe Biden” is sworn is as president, those opportunistic, power-hungry cutthroats will have ultimate power in America. They’ll trot Biden out in front of the cameras occasionally to keep up pretenses, but everyone knows they will be the ones actually in charge of the Executive branch.
This meme was immediately recognizable to anyone who owned a Windows computer back in the days before the internet was even really a thing. You want to know what’s in Joe Biden’s head? It’s the Windows “Blue Screen of Death.” If you’re not old enough to remember that, just Google it on your record player, kids!