Here’s a meme worth a thousand words in its description of the current Democrat Party in the United States. And what a week it’s been!
First, Democrats couldn’t demonstrate the ability to competently count small groups of people in
rooms in the Iowa Caucuses. Epic fail.
Next, they got shellacked by President Trump in one of the greatest State of the Union addresses ever delivered by an American leader. It went so badly that Nancy Pelosi ripped up the official copy of the speech (Note to Attorney General Bill Barr: That was an actual crime.)
And on the very next day, the Democrats’ fake impeachment hoax blew up in their faces. Nothing that they’ve done is going right.
Meanwhile, no one likes any of the candidates they’re running for president in the 2020 primaries. Every single candidate is struggling to come even close to Trump’s campaign war chest in terms of donations, and every one of them has moved so far to the left that many of their policies only enjoy majority support in college faculty lounges.
As for the rest of us… we’re the girl in this meme, laughing as explosions and chaos in the Democrat Party happen in the background.