The City of Chicago has filed a lawsuit against handgun manufacturer Glock, alleging that Glock is accountable for how simple it is to turn semiautomatic weapons into full-auto mode by using a “Glock switch.”
In the case, Everytown for Gun Safety, which is associated with Mike Bloomberg, is suing alongside the City of Chicago.
“Law enforcement personnel in the city of Chicago have recovered more than 1,100 Glock guns that have been turned into illegal automatic guns in the past two years alone in connection with many types of crimes, including homicides, batteries, aggravated assaults, kidnappings, home invasions, and attempted robberies,” according to a press release from the mayor’s press office about the lawsuit.
According to a press release, the lawsuit “alleges that failing to take good steps to stop or mitigate the problem is an unfair business practice and creates and contributes to a public nuisance,” in addition to selling weapons that are so easily converted into illegal machine guns.
Regarding the lawsuit, Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) stated:
The rise in fully automatic Glock firearms on Chicago’s streets has led to a terrible new frontier in gun violence inside our neighborhoods. We are doing all we can to hold Glock accountable for prioritizing profits over public safety and working with others dedicated to putting a stop to gun violence, since selling pistols that are so readily converted into automatic weapons makes terrible actions even more lethal.”
The case against Glock is the first brought under Illinois’s Firearms Industry Responsibility Act, which Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) signed into law in 2023.
Chicago and Everytown identify China as a supplier of “auto sears,” the essential part of a “Glock switch,” but they don’t elaborate on how devoted China is, if true, to flooding the US market with these switches.
Breitbart News published a story by Peter Schweizer titled Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye on February 26, 2024. The book While China Kills Americans exposed how Chinese businesses, under strict government regulations, are supplying the US with auto-sear switches, sometimes referred to as “glock switches,” which are tiny metal components that turn pistols into machine guns. The majority of gun owners in the US are prohibited from possessing them, yet “thousands” of them are being transported in boxes from China.
Chicago v. Glock is a case pending in the Chancery Division of the Cook County Circuit Court in Illinois.
The DEMOCRATS KNOW THAT WITH ALL THE legal gun owners in this country they cannot move to take over full control of us. So they keep trying to steal our rights away with these stupid laws that they keep passing.
It makes them feel good, but does nothing to stop the ILLEGAL GUN TRADE, So you blow hard Democrats have a good night’s sleep, because as usual you have done nothing, but give the criminal more guns.
Pay attention now to the dirty,greedy,power hungry so called Democrats.They try again to disarm the citizens,but trhey are now arming the illegals.Some hate filled Judge just allowed the illegals to carry guns.That means that these dirtbag Democrats will get help to kill off the Citizens.
Liberty is not lost all at once, people would not stand for that!
But, it can be stolen in small increments, a bit here and a bit there, and nobody even notices.
Well, being as the illegal immigrants can openly possess guns now it looks like our ultra liberal biden guv’ment has invited the “worst of the global worse” into our nation. Not only is he inviting the illegals into our country but, he’s allegedly setting them all up on a fast path to citizenship. Simply put… Biden’s buyin’ votes.
As I have posted on several websites on these articles EVERY firearms manufacturer and ammo manufacturer NEEDS to REFUSE ALL SALES of firearms and ammo to EVERY city/state/local gubbermint (sp intentional) that refuses to HONOR and PROTECT our Constitutional rights, liberties and PROTECTIONS, especially those pertaining to our First and Second Amendment PROTECTIONS (NOT “RIGHTS”)!! PERIOD!!!!