Logic, reason, facts and science can’t seem to make a dent in the weird climate religion that has overtaken the Democrat Party. Their faith is unshakeable!
Check out this army of climate justice warriors protesting at an offshore oil rig. And every single one of them arrived on a kayak, as noted, which was made with petroleum products! How do you suppose they got all of their kayaks down to the edge of the water in the first place? Probably towed them on their bikes, right?
No, we’re guessing that each and every single one of them drove to the protest in the comfort of a gas guzzling SUV with a nice roof rack on it. When you are super duper worried about what the temperature is going to be in the year 2156, you have to pull out all of the stops for your climate protest.
Saving the planet is just too important to live up to the ideals that you want to force everyone else to live under! So, don’t laugh at the army of petroleum-based kayak warriors protesting the petroleum business that made their kayaks possible in the first place!