While the rest of the country’s citizens enjoy the luxury of not having to worry about a hail of ice crashing into their mouths while trying to enjoy a glass of water, more and more cities in California join the absurd war on straws.
The latest developments on the matter truly are hilarious. As San Francisco announces its intent to join other cities in the state to ban straws (y’know, for the animals or something), reports are surfacing that counterfeit straws are circulating as replacement.
Take as much time as you need to contain your shock.
Yes, according to SF Gate, reusable counterfeit straws are already being used as the ridiculous laws banning them are barely weeks old.
Wow, it’s almost as if people who have the intention of getting their hands on something find a way to do so regardless of what the government says! Who could have predicted such a thing — y’know…besides any rational person with a functional brain?
We would say we’re weeping for California but, it’s just too hilarious at this point.
~ Facts Not Memes