Attorney General Merrick Garland has received a subpoena from Representatives James Comer and Jim Jordan for access to documents collected by Special Counsel Robert Hur.
Legislators on Tuesday asked that Garland produce documents pertaining to the probe into President Biden’s deliberate mishandling of sensitive material, including transcripts, notes, and video footage.
The committees noted, “The Oversight and Judiciary Committees are examining whether sufficient grounds exist to write articles of impeachment against President Biden for consideration by the entire House in collaboration with the Ways and Means Committee.” “The Committees are worried that President Biden could have kept secret information about his family’s international business connections in particular nations.”
They’re also looking for the secret records that Hur’s report mentioned, which have to do with Vice President Biden’s phone conversation with the prime minister of Ukraine in December 2015.
March 7th, the day of Biden’s State of the Union speech, is the deadline for submitting the transcripts.
No one could cause the damage to a nation in the short time Joe Biden has, and it not be intentional. Biden is a derelict. Obama is his puppet master. Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” America and he meant “fundamentally destroy” America. Now, he lives like royalty in a seaside estate having left behind a legacy of destruction. Obama knew what the Bidens were doing and approved because he was also a beneficiary of the corruption. Obama corrupted every federal agency in Washington, DC, especially the DOJ & FBI. They all deserve the prescribed penalty for TREASON.
I agree,put Biden in jail
Yes immediatly
The prove is n the pudding. Why are you WAITING so long to imprison the Traitor
Couldn’t have said it any better.
I agree!
Boy, you are 100% on TARGET !!!!
This is so true I hope he is accountable he has ruined our country
I don’t think anyone in Washington is going to jail unless they are conservative
re: Jan 6 protestors
As the left has always said no one is above the law that goes for Biden and Obama too.
Until these politicians go by the same laws that we the people are forced to go by, nothing will happen to this treasonous b-tard.
Nothing is going to change unless we get rid of that worthless bunch in Congress. Both Democrats and Republicans. Neither are doing anything for the American people, just themselves. Vote them out.
The swamp
Folks, this has been in the planning stage for a long time. Biden is big “O”‘s puppet. During the fraudulent eight years he ran the country, he put all his people in place, including the squad. He is also taking orders himself from the Globalists and Elites that are frothing at the mouth for their NWO. Their tentacle’s are now in every part of our lives. Their not only trying to starve us out but put us under their complete control with their digital dollar. Fear is their weapon. Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes and Jesus is coming soon to take out believers before the judgment of hell comes upon this world. The seven year tribulation. Dust off that bible and read it. It’s all there from the beginning to the end. For Christians the end looks promising in a place that God is preparing for his people where life never ends. We don’t have to fear death. We have a future that will go on for an eternity. GOD IS IN CONTROL! Maranatha, he’s coming soon, are you ready when that trumpet blows?
You’re right about most of what you said, except the part about a pre-tribulation rapture. That is a theory, a doctrine made up and pushed by the Roman Catholic Church to confuse Christians about the order of last day events so they won’t be prepared for the tribulation. We will ALL go through the tribulation according to Scripture. Ian (John) Darby picked up the rapture theory from the Catholics, and then he and other denominational leaders spread it throughout christendom. People won’t find it anywhere in that dusty Bible because it doesn’t exist. It’s a relatively new theory that early Christians never believed, any more than they believed in keeping Sunday as the Sabbath, which the Catholic Church also changed. The portions of Scripture misused to support a rapture theory are referring to the first resurrection, which takes place at the END of the tribulation. Christians will go through the tribulation with everyone else, the only difference being that God will protect His people from evil in those days, just as He was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lion’s den, and Noah and his family in the ark. Read, in Matthew 24, the order of the events of the last days Jesus warned His disciples about. He said, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Endure WHAT, if we’re not going through the tribulation? Why would we be warned not to take the mark of the beast if we were not going through the tribulation? In John 17:15, Jesus prayed, ” I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” In John 16:2, He said, “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” Jesus prayed according to his own, and the Father’s will. Why would he have prayed the prayer just cited IF He was going to come and take Christians out of the world before the tribulation? Why would he have warned us not to receive the mark of the beast? How many “last trumpets” can there be? How many second comings of Christ? Every Scripture, in both Old Testament and New, referring to the events of the last days, or “the time of the end,” indicates that God’s people will go through the events leading to the first resurrection, at the “last trumpet.” Any portions of scripture misused to support the rapture theory is really talking about the first resurrection at the END of the tribulation. I was taught the rapture theory all my adult Christian life by church leaders taught it in theological schools. However, upon reading the Word for myself, I see how wrong it is, as do many other Christians. It simply doesn’t pass the “smell” test. (If it smells fishy, it probably is.) Read the Word for yourself, comparing Scripture with Scripture. Jesus wouldn’t promote something He himself didn’t support.
That humongous piece of fly feces, joey, needs to be under the jail along with Obama and George sore@$$.
So! We have all that we’ve witnessed, border failure, ignoring the Supreme Court on numerous rulings, lying (provable) about virtually everything and failure to live up to.his oath of office.(yes treason) aiding and abetting the enemy, also coordinating and supporting the invasion of America by known hostile entities.. Albeit the fact that if this were a republican, especially “45” they would have already ordered his execution by hanging. So! Lets take down the tyrant and show him that the peaceful people have have had enough. God save our Republic
Traitors were executed way back when laws were followed.
Put the complete Biden Crime Family in prison!
Exactly where all of them belong!
Having seen Communism up front and personal: Democrats are like wanna be Castros.
obama is the ring leader behind all of this mess it wasn’t like this until he came in the picture and I can’t believe he was voted president either time I believe that election was fraud!How can a name as Obama get elected for president right after 9-11?!
Good chance of that happening now after the democrats can’t use old Joe anymore. He out lived his usefulnessTime to through him under the bus and move on. If not they would protect him at all cost. But now it looks like they have to find another puppet like old Joe was. Harris is looking good for that. Just another fool like Biden was. And they can control her. She be good slave for the white masters too. But joes time is up. Like hillarys and Michael Obama is too. See what fool they find next.