We have some more living proof that the American left will “resist” and “obstruct” president Trump no matter what, and it’s hilarious.
Ahead of President Trump’s highly anticipated announcement of who will replace outgoing Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Women’s March prepared a statement condemning the pick. Apparently, whoever runs their website forgot to actually include the name of the nominee, revealing that the feminist group was prepared to protest the choice no matter who it was.
In the weeks preceding the announcement, leftists in the media decried Trump’s shortlist, noting that several frontrunners have been on record being critical of Roe v. Wade, which seems to be the only Supreme Court precedent they care about at all. Ironically, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh appears to be the least critical of the ruling out of anyone else considered, indicating Kennedy will be replaced by another swing voter on the bench.
Of course, none of this mattes to the extreme left. Just about anything the president does is “unprecedented.” Really, the far left was caught with their pants down, and we’re still laughing about it. Perhaps this was the president’s plan all along…
~ Facts Not Memes