Earlier this week, California Senator Kamala Harris jumped into the crowded ring of Democratic contenders for the 2020 presidential election. So far, Harris may present the most prominent threat to President Donald Trump’s re-election chances. And let’s be honest — we all know why.
Sen. Harris capitalizes on her intersectional advantage by being a black woman. This is really important for progressives, for whatever reason. According to the left, being a minority or a woman gives you extra points because things were so nice for such people historically. This makes her more qualified.
Now, you might be thinking to yourself that arbitrary biological or gender identities don’t play any role in your performance as a public servant. And you would be right. But that doesn’t matter to the left right now.
But let’s not forget why the senator is even a house hold name in the first place. Before her claim to fame as California’s attorney general, she had an extramarital affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown — who openly admitted to using his own political influence to boost her career.
To be extremely clear: this isn’t speculative. Brown admitted to exactly this in a column penned this week.
Take a minute and ask yourself: if such a story came out about Sarah Palin, Nikki Haley, Carli Fiorina, or any prominent conservative woman from the past 10 years or so, how do you think the press would react? Would any of these women be considered viable presidential candidates?
~ Facts Not Memes