The so-called #MeToo movement has completed its transition from Hollywood to Washington, DC, and its effects are reverberating throughout Capitol Hill…except that they aren’t.
When the movement began with Hollywood mega-producer Harvey Weinstein being accused by multiple women of sexual assault, it initially looked as if entertainment media elites were finally getting what they had coming. Those of us who were more skeptical, however, understood where this was really going. Rather than evolving into a snowballing wheel of justice, the movement has become a political weapon.
Take the two individuals pictured here, for example. Rep. Keith Ellison is the titular Deputy Chair for the Democratic National Committee — quite a powerful political position. The 911 calls in question, while not necessarily definitive proof that he committed the actions described, are already far more substantiating than the extremely vague claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh’s accuser hasn’t named a specific time for when the judge allegedly assaulted her, and her story has changed several times. The timing is also dubious, seeing as California Senator Dianne Feinstein has apparently knew about this allegation since the middle of the Summer, and waited until now to finally come forward with it.
If don’t see anything wrong with this, you haven’t been paying attention…
~ Facts Not Memes