Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders continues to enjoy frontrunner status as the Democratic presidential primary enters full-swing, and his follow-up campaign contains no shortage of empty promises and pipe dream fantasies.
One of the most glaring examples of this is the senator’s attempts to reclassify healthcare from a service provided by a skilled individual for another’s benefit as a human right. Think about that for one second: under Bernie Sanders, talented individuals who are willing to go through all that extra education are doing so to essentially be public servants. Healthcare, according to Sanders and others like him, is a human right because they just say it is.
The most common retort to even the most mild challenge to this position is that everyone else does it. This is half-true. It’s true that most developed economies have some sort of public healthcare option, but they’re not all the same. Sweden actually runs its healthcare industry very similarly to the United States, encouraging its citizens to opt for private healthcare if they can afford it. France has a similar system. The United Kingdom, on the other hand, has completely socialized the industry with its NHS program.
But, this is America, and we run things a little bit differently. Per our founding documents, the right to own a firearm is a codified right. So, should the government pay for those as well? It is in the Constitution…but something tells us that the leftists will stop caring at that point.
~ Facts Not Memes