If you took a shot every time you heard Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders utter the words “millionaires and billionaires” during a speech, you would die from alcohol poisoning within minutes.
Sanders is easily the most combative Democratic presidential hopeful, and it’s easy for him to get away with spewing all of the hollow propaganda he does. He can take swipes at Kamala Harris for being a narc, lambast Elizabeth Warren for being too much of an elitist, and bury really any other candidate who’s been on a private sector payroll before.
So, Bernie is pretty passionate about his fight for the working class. Oddly enough, he spares at least one filthy one percenter from his ire: himself.
When the senator released his tax returns, it turned out that he is part of the evil capitalist class that he’s trying to destroy. Now, none of us have a problem that he’s rich — he’s the one who says he has a problem with that.
~ Facts Not Memes