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We Found a Way to Keep the World Safe from Joe Biden

Don’t be surprised if you see former Vice President Joe Biden walking around with one of these if he actually declares a run for the White House soon.

Biden was an early favorite before any Democrat declared — and it was easy to see why. He is associated with the Obama era, something many Democrats at the time felt represented the golden years of their party in the modern age. During his first run for president, Barack Obama built an impressive coalition. The intersectional left and the blue collar worker were effectively united against all things red for 8 full years.

But now, a lot of the voters who voted for President Barack Obama twice will crawl through fields of shattered glass to pull the lever for Trump for a second time. The current president has a firm grip on that blue collar vote — the very demographic Joe Biden was supposed to recapture. But, we don’t see that happening any time soon.

Sure, Biden is a creep and he probably should walk around with a cone on his head, but that’s not why he’s irrelevant. The modern Democrats — the party of AOC and Ilhan Omar — have long moved passed the Obama-style “centrism”. Unabashed radical progressivism is the only way forward for the party now, so really Biden isn’t useful anymore.

~ Facts Not Memes

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