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Waldo Gets Arrested for Chillin’ on the Beach

Waldo of “Where’s Waldo?” fame continues to make the rounds in memes this year, what with all the social distancing going on. But this meme takes Waldo to the next level when he gets arrested for not properly distancing while out on the beach… all alone.

Is there anything more pathetic than cops arresting a surfer out on the ocean by himself? Sheesh! Or a jogger running by himself or herself with no one around for miles? Although, our favorite coronavirus video so far was that cop in California who tried to arrest a jogger… who then turned out to be a sprinter.

Anyway, this meme made us wonder, “Why does Waldo carry a cane?” So, we looked it up.

As it turns out, that is a walking stick. A magic walking stick. It was given to him by Wizard Whitebeard, and it has the ability to open portals so that Waldo can travel to other locations and even engage in some time travel. It also functions sort of a like a Swiss Army Knife, because Waldo can turn it into an umbrella, a pool stick and other items.

Yeah, so… we’re really sorry we looked that up now.

Anyway, the lesson of the story here is simple. Clearly, our nation’s law enforcement wasn’t trained for complete authoritarian rule. In fact, nothing in our country was made for that — because the very idea of America stands in direct opposition to it. So, can we go outside now?

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