We had to stop a local The Home Depot just this week in order to spiffy up some projects here around the ol’ Facts Not Memes mobile headquarters. And sure enough, this is exactly what the line looks at The Home Depot everywhere right now.
As people are continuously locked down, they seem to have a lot of free time on their hands to get some work projects around the house done — because everyone is running to The Home Depot.
And no offense to The Home Depot (great store and all), but this policy is the worst. It’s a literal warehouse and they’re still forcing customers to wait in line outside and only letting X amount of customers in at once. Is there some sort of health emergency we haven’t heard about?
It’s really a curious thing that COVID-19 seems to only affect small businesses that can only fit between 10-to-20 people, but massive germ factories like home improvement megastores remain in pristine health.
And as this meme notes, if it’s safe enough for everyone in town to go to The Home Depot at the same time all day long, then it’s probably safe enough for everyone to vote in person this November instead of running the Democrats’ cheat-by-mail scheme.