We’re not normally in the business of encouraging Democrats to do, well, anything, but we really have to hand it over to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Aside from being in politics for approximately 1,000 years, Pelosi helped spearhead the Democratic Party’s total transformation from a liberal faction to a progressive one. We say “liberal” in this sense to refer to the basic, English idea that individuals are born free and should remain that way — protected by a state they consent to. Progressive, in this case, is a philosophy advocating for an endless growth in state power — the opposite of the classical understanding of liberalism.
For all the crap we give her, we don’t think Pelosi is in the same category as AOC and her goons. She’s far to the left of all of us here, sure, but she was at one point grounded in enough reality to understand that the constant push to the left was going to hurt the Democratic Party in the long run. Now that she’s caved into AOC and the rest of “The Squad’s” demands, it isn’t her party anymore.
This is the reason why President Donald Trump continuously shatters fundraising records. Americans who are old enough to recognize socialism when they see it want absolutely none of it, and this includes people who voted Democrat for most of their adult lives. We have no one but Nancy Pelosi to thank.