This image perfectly illustrates just how little liberals seem to understand about their ideological opponents.
In the picture, we see what conservative bumper stickers would look like if they “told the truth”. The results are just predictable as you think: “save our billionaires”, “tax the poor”, “corporations are people too!” are just a few of the absurd examples.
Refuting this is easier than it should be.
First of all, consider the demographics that voted for Republicans in the last election cycle. Were they affluent billionaires? Or were they by-and-large working class citizens?
Conservative policies enjoy considerable support from the middle class because they champion the needs of ordinary people. The average American understands that higher taxes — even for the rich — result in colossal drops in the labor participation rate. Why would business owners want to invest more in the economy if the government is taking so much from them already?
Perhaps it’s time liberals began looking inward like they said they were going to do when the “most qualified presidential candidate in history” lost to a reality television star.
~ Facts Not Memes