It finally happened: thanks to the reporting coming from user-generated alternative media, prominent political figures such as Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have been forced to publicly denounce the violent Antifa movement.
Of course, this comes after the radical “anarcho-communist” group garnered heavy praise from the mainstream media, including CNN. The sudden denouncement from Pelosi is sure to alienate her from her more radical followers in the coming months.
The meme here clearly reflects this anger, only it targets Fox News instead of Pelosi. What happened to liberals being “snowflakes”? Aren’t they by definition the least-threatening sort of people according to conservatives?
The truth is that the left-wing in America can be both threatening and non-threatening at the same time, because there are in fact two distinct movements pushing a relatively similar agenda.
While the left can certainly do a better job keeping the group as far away from them as possible, Antifa does not at all represent the average liberal in the United States. Their demonstrations are often marked with violence, destruction of property, and silencing of free expression — things most everyday liberals abhor.
When we criticize Antifa for being violent and so-called “social justice warriors” for being “snowflakes”, there is no hypocrisy — these critiques target two distinct groups. That is, unless the left is implying they are one and the same…in which case they have much bigger problems to deal with.
~ Facts Not Memes