First Lady Melania Trump has had an incredible career. From being born in a Soviet proxy state to launching her career as a super model in the United States, Melania’s story is something everyone can find inspiration in…unless you’re a feral leftist.
Feminist writers like the one pictured in the image to the left hate President Donald Trump just like everyone else in the media, but they really hate the First Lady. Every time she makes an appearance, she is ridiculed in publications like Vogue — which sharply focus on her demeanor and the clothing she happens to be wearing.
One has to wonder…how much of this really has to do with Melania’s clear ties to the President of the United States? Are the virulent attacks really out of a genuine policy concern, or is there something more obvious at work? We tend to think both are factors here, but let’s face it — feminists definitely hate how pretty Melania is.
~ Facts Not Memes