With Halloween celebrations just nights away, social justice warriors have turned the virtue signaling up to eleven to ensure everyone’s costume of choice is just as bland and boring as they are every other day of the year.
Recently, as we’ve covered here, women’s lifestyle magazine Cosmopolitan penned an article instructing parents on what is and isn’t appropriate for their children to wear on Halloween. The publication was not alone in this bizarre crusade, with memes like this circulating around the social meme-o-sphere like wildfire.
This image is clearly intended to shame white Americans — young girls in particular — from celebrating other cultures with their Halloween costumes.
If we take the leftist narrative on Halloween wholesale, there really isn’t a lot left in terms of costume options. If white Americans chose to stay away from “appropriating” other cultures by dressing as medieval knights and princesses, we’re told they are somehow promoting white supremacy. However, if they dress as characters like Disney’s Moana, they are somehow stealing these options away from racial minorities like Pacific islanders.
As mentioned on this site before, cultural appropriation is a good thing. It shines a spotlight on traditions many might be unaware of due to their own upbringing, and opens a cultural dialogue that might’ve been absent beforehand.
Aside from this, there’s something insidiously evil about telling children they are not allowed to portray their favorite characters on the one day of the year where it doesn’t look weird.
~ Facts Not Memes